How a Chin Implant Can Improve Your Jawline

Your facial structure is an integral part of your physical appearance. One of the most notable parts of an attractive facial structure is a defined jawline. This is true for both men and women. For those who were not born with a defined chin and jawline, there are cosmetic options to enhance your facial structure. Below you will find how a chin implant can improve your jawline and your overall facial aesthetic.

How a Chin Implant Can Improve Your Jawline

A chin implant can enhance your appearance as it brings balance to your nose and chin areas. Because a chin implant can increase the height and width of your chin, it can help make your jawline appear more triangular. A defined jawline is seen as attractive among both men and women. This is because it is synonymous with good health, strength, and youthfulness. A chin implant can improve facial harmony, correct a recessed chin, improve and define your neck and jawline, and help reduce the appearance of a double chin. For those who weren’t born with a naturally defined jaw, a chin implant can improve your appearance and your confidence.

Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implant surgery can improve the shape and contour of your chin, neck, and jawline. The surgery includes the placement of an implant around your existing chin bone. This can improve the size and shape of your chin depending on your unique needs. Below are some of the common chin implant options.

  • Central Chin Implant: This type of chin implant improves your chin’s projection and focuses solely on your chin area.
  • Anatomical Chin Implant: This chin implant improves the look of your chin, in addition to contouring the front portion of your jaw.
  • Extended Anatomical Chin Implants: This type of chin implant is similar to the anatomical chin implant. However, it is longer and extends further to enhance your jawline. It can improve the appearance of jowls, as they can make you look older.
  • Mandibular Implants: This type of implant improves the angle and width of your jawline. These are often combined with anatomical chin implants to recontour your entire jawline.
  • Custom Implants: If your needs do not fit within the aforementioned implant options, the surgery can be customized to your unique needs.

Looking at the Procedure

The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis. You will either be under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. This will be discussed at your consultation to prepare you on the day of the procedure. If you only get a chin implant, the procedure takes less than one hour. A small incision is made in order to insert the chin implant. Depending on the type of chin implant you are getting and your unique facial structure, the incision is made either inside your mouth or underneath your chin. One of the major benefits of a chin implant in Beverly Hills is that the results are subtle, yet they dramatically improve the look of your overall facial aesthetic.

Chin Implant Recovery Process

The recovery process for chin implant surgery is relatively short. Most people can expect to be back to their normal daily routine within a week. As for exercising and more strenuous activities, plan on waiting around a month before fully getting back to your routine. You may experience some mild pain or discomfort post-surgery. However, taking pain relievers and using a cold compress can help throughout the first few days. The results of your chin implant should be clear by the one-month mark, but your full results take about three months. If you are interested in a chin implant, contact the team at Gabbay Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills today!

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Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212