Can Liposuction Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Procedures?

Liposuction is a popular plastic surgery procedure that tones and shapes the abdominal area of the body, lending the physique a toned and slimmer appearance. But can liposuction be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Can Liposuction Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Procedures?

Fortunately, if you have other procedures on your wishlist in terms of modifying your appearance, you’re likely in luck. This is because modern liposuction can fluidly be combined with several other popular plastic surgery operations.

If you’re interested in learning more about the synergistic potential of some of these, then the following information should be of some interest as you pursue your liposuction journey.

First Off: What Occurs During Liposuction?

Liposuction is a sophisticated and complex procedure that removes excess fat from a patient’s mid-section by methodically making a series of tiny incisions in the body.

The surgery is specifically intended to target and address problem areas of the body that stubbornly retain fat deposits. Especially ones that persist despite diet and exercise efforts.

Asides from the specific areas targeted in liposuction surgery, the operation is ultimately not intended to get a patient to lose large amounts of weight. In this way, the operation is more akin to an aesthetic body sculpting method rather than an end-all to weight loss goals.

Therefore, it’s ultimately beneficial that the patient undergoing surgery attempt to manage these other fat deposit areas while understanding the areas of the body that the liposuction process specifically targets.

Areas of The Body Affected by Liposuction

Liposuction has the potential to impact several areas of the body and is generally effective at sculpting and toning a variety of target areas. Some common areas that patients come in for seeking assistance with include:

  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Bust
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Neck
  • Under The Chin
  • & More

Since liposuction has such diverse applications, you’ll likely spend some time in your pre-surgical consultations discussing with your physician the specific areas of the body that you would like to target. This, in turn, will increase your chances of having a satisfying surgical experience.

Procedures that Can Successfully Be Combined with Liposuction.

The good news is that liposuction is commonly and frequently combined with a variety of other procedures to produce fantastic outcomes for patients. Some of the most common procedures that are combined with liposuction include:

In order to consider safely combining multiple surgeries, you’ll have to undergo a medical evaluation in order to determine whether or not you are healthy enough to undertake multiple procedures at once.

This is because the surgical process can be very taxing on the body, so it’s of the utmost importance to determine whether or not you’re fit enough to handle that kind of stress.

With multiple procedures successfully executed by a skilled physician, the results can be quite stunning. Many patients experience a total makeover in terms of their general appearance.

Save On Cost and Recovery Time

Taking on multiple surgeries can be quite economical, as undergoing one surgical session rather than multiple ones usually means that you’ll save both money and time.

This is especially true for your post-surgical recovery period. This is because if you combine multiple procedures into one, you’ll only have to go through one recovery period rather than multiple.

In addition, combining surgeries will likely result in a lower medical bill at the end of the day, as you’ll simply be paying for one procedure rather than several. This is also because the surgical facility itself will be using less resources, including hospital staff, anesthesia, and time.

Your Pre-Surgical Consultation

One essential component of successfully planning multiple procedures is your pre-surgical consultation with your doctor.

During your consultation, you shouldn’t feel shy about asking as many questions as you feel fit in order to establish a sense of safety and comfort surrounding the procedure.

In addition, you should feel free to share any concerns that you might have about your procedure with your physician so that the two of you are entering the operating room as informed and secure as possible.

By going through this process, you and your doctor will build intimacy and trust, which can only serve to enhance your overall surgery process.

Due to the enhanced complexity of undergoing multiple procedures, the consultation becomes doubly important, as you’ll be attempting to plan a more complex set of procedures and information.

Therefore, it becomes all the more important to follow to the T your physician’s set of instructions and advice in terms of how to prepare for your upcoming operation.

Aesthetic Goals

Another thing you can do while attending a consultation is discuss your aesthetic goals with your physician so the two of you are on the same page on what your expectations are surrounding the aesthetic results of your procedure.

By discussing the parts of the eye area that you’re unhappy with, you can give your physician an opportunity to make specific marks in their notes in their surgery plan to address these places specifically in the surgery.

The more detail that you give in this regard, the better, as you’ll increase your chances of being happy with the results of your operation.

Given the complex nature of undergoing multiple surgeries, you’ll want to be as specific and pointed as possible with what you articulate to your doctor.

Preparing To Undergo Multiple Surgeries

Since undergoing multiple procedures is generally more stressful on the body than just one, you may find that you’ll have to undertake slightly more preparation than if you were just receiving a single procedure.

What this looks like varies heavily from individual to individual and may involve multiple adjustments. Things like your medical history, lifestyle habits, and more will stay factored in.

Some common adjustments that patients find they need to make include:

  • Getting close to your target weight prior to your surgery
  • Modifying your diet to include more fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods
  • Develop muscles and strength in the areas of the body you intend to target
  • Limit alcohol intake prior to your operation
  • Quit smoking several weeks before your surgery
  • Preparing your home environment for your post-surgery needs

In addition, you’ll want to make arrangements for any childcare or pet care needs that you anticipate. You’ll also want to make arrangements to take some time off of work, as in your post-surgical state, you’ll be more vulnerable and have lower energy than usual.

Some Risks Associated with Combining Procedures

Just as there remain risks associated with just receiving liposuction on its own, undergoing multiple procedures also carries a number of potential risks and hazards.

These are all unique to the procedures themselves and also how they work with each other. During your pre-surgical consultation, you’ll discuss with your doctor all of the nuances and possible risks associated with whatever types of procedures you’re thinking of undergoing.

For example, combining liposuction with simple fat grafting is a relatively simple procedure that carries with it few complications. On the other hand, combining liposuction with a butt lift or a facelift is less researched and less practiced.

This means that there remain a number of possible complications that could occur. Each individual surgery carries a unique set. Your physician will have advice and precautions to give you. But this depends on which procedures you determine you want to attain.

In general, the science of combining procedures remains relatively new. So there remains much research to happen in terms of how these multiple operations will interact and influence each other.

That said, in the hands of a skilled physician, you should feel safe and secure in whatever set of procedures you decide you want to proceed with.

Ensure Your Doctor Is Board Certified

Ensuring your selected physician is board certified is perhaps the number one step you can take to ensure that your physician is to be trusted with your desired operation.

Board-certified refers to individuals who are certified by the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons). Physicians who meet these qualifications remain subjected to a rigorous set of standards that ensure they practice their craft safely.

Some of these standards include:

  • Having completed at least six years of surgical training following medical school
  • 3 years completed plastic surgery residency training
  • Passing multiple comprehensive oral and written exams
  • Graduating from an accredited medical school
  • Complete continuing medical education annually
  • Proof of completed multiple surgeries

Despite the fact that you may encounter other official sounding or appearing boards and certifications, you should only trust physicians who are ABPS certified.

Getting The Best Experience Out of Your Operations

Gabbay Plastic Surgery has an award-winning team of accredited physicians who can help you prepare fully and safely for your scheduled operation. Please visit our website if interested in scheduling an operation or for further information regarding the services we offer at our center for plastic surgery.

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Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212