
Benefits of Tumescent Surgeries

Woman listening to doctor explain the benefits of tumescent liposuction.

Looking and feeling your best is important as it helps boost your confidence and self-esteem. Despite eating healthy and getting regular exercise, many people have stubborn fat that doesn’t go away. This is especially true as you get older. Unwanted fat can appear on your abdomen, hips, upper arms, thighs, chin, and neck area. One …

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The Ideal Weight for Liposuction

Woman in pants at the ideal weight for liposuction.

Having a sculpted body free from unwanted fat is something everyone desires. However, due to the impacts of aging, rates of metabolism, and even pregnancy, your body may not look exactly how you want it to. You may have pockets of unwanted fat that you cannot get rid of on your abdomen, arms, or other …

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Why Are Awake Procedures Safer?

Doctor explaining to patients why awake procedures are safer.

Cosmetic procedures are highly popular due to the positive impact they can have on one’s self-confidence and physical aesthetic. While many people decide to go under general anesthesia for various cosmetic procedures, the popularity of surgeries that utilize local anesthetic have been on the rise in recent years. This is due to the major benefits …

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Common Belly Button Problems

woman showing off her belly button with no problems.

Belly buttons are an interesting part of the body that often do not get a lot of attention unless there is an issue. Your belly button begins to form just seconds after birth right when the umbilical cord is cut. Most often everyone’s belly button begins as an “outie” and over time becomes an “innie.” …

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Benefits of a Contoured Figure

Attractive woman who has the benefits of a countoured figure wearing black body suit.

Having a firm and contoured figure is a major benefit when it come to your self-confidence. As we age, this can get more and more difficult. Many women who give birth often experience body changes that don’t go away without intervention. Even women who have not given birth may be uncomfortable with their natural body. …

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Why Plan Early for Plastic Surgery

Woman listening to doctor explain the benefits of tumescent liposuction.

Plastic surgery is a great experience that can help improve your confidence and overall physical aesthetic. Some cosmetic procedures take more preparation than others, so it’s important to plan the process with your cosmetic surgeon. It can sometimes take months as the process starts at the initial consultation and ends with your checkup appointments. So …

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Best Weight for Liposuction

woman wrapping measuring tape around waist

Whether you have packed on a few extra pounds over the last year, have had a baby, or even just have stubborn fat you want to get rid of, liposuction is a great option. But what is the best weight for liposuction? It is a minimally invasive procedure that removes fat from your body. This …

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Can You Have Breast Augmentation After Pregnancy?

woman holding silicon breast implants

Motherhood can give you so much joy and a sense of unparalleled happiness. However, the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding can greatly impact the appearance of your breasts. Women most often experience sagging and deflation, especially after breastfeeding. Many women often consider a breast augmentation after they have children as it can restore the look …

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Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

woman choosing between two breast implants

The decision to have a breast augmentation in Beverly Hills is highly personal. It isn’t just a financial investment. It’s an investment in yourself and your relationship to your body. As a result, it is practically impossible to mathematically determine the perfect implant size for any given woman. There are so many factors involved in …

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Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy

woman's body with lines and arrows

The ability to create new life is an indisputable gift. However, there is no point in denying that it comes with a cost. Trying to get your body back after pregnancy can be tough. With the average woman gaining 25-35 during pregnancy, our bodies go through a remarkable transformation in an effort to adapt. Everything …

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Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212