
Why Winter Is the Best Time for a Breast Surgery

woman wrapping measuring tape around chest

Tis the season of cozy sweaters and hot cocoa. In a normal year, we would be gathering with family and friends to enjoy the winter holidays, then finding ourselves grateful for the loose-fitting clothing typical of our winter wardrobe. This year is far from normal, but there is one thing that remains the same. Winter …

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What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

woman against teal background pointing at forehead wrinkles

Knowing what causes forehead wrinkles is the first step to preventing them. We cover all the habits and causes of this sign of aging. Visit the best plastic surgeon Beverly Hills to learn more about how to treat signs of aging. Wrinkling is notoriously difficult to avoid. It’s a natural part of the aging process, …

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Myths about Liposuction You Should Watch Out For

Doctor explaining to patient myths about liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most common procedures performed by plastic surgeons in the United States. However, its popularity has allowed misinformation to spring up around the internet. This misinformation is not only misleading. It could lead to a patient undergoing the procedure for the wrong reasons with an unqualified surgeon. And that can be …

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Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Some dermal fillers that are safe

When it comes to addressing the aesthetic concerns you may have about your body, you should always seek professional help from a board-certified plastic surgeon. These highly skilled professionals trained to use FDA approved materials correctly to ensure that you receive the best results with minimal risk. This applies to both nonsurgical and surgical procedures. …

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The Facts about Laser Skin Resurfacing

woman in chair with glasses about to undergo laser skin

For patients with aesthetic skin concerns, laser resurfacing can be a game changer. Whether you are bothered by persistent redness or looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, there is a whole range of laser resurfacing treatments that can be used to give you smoother skin. However, it is important that patients understand the basics …

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What Is It Like Going Under General Anesthesia?

looking up from patient chair, doctors with masks about to apply general anesthesia mask

The prospect of surgery can be frightening for any number of reasons. There are always risks, and the idea of being removed from the driver’s seat of your own body can be terrifying by itself. A 2007 study discovered that 30% of patients were more anxious about general anesthesia than the procedure. Fortunately, understanding the …

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Can Torn Earlobes Be Repaired?

A plastic surgeon doctor examines a patient s girl's ears before performing an otoplasty surgery

Earlobe repair is a fairly common procedure that is both straightforward and relatively inexpensive. So, if you’ve had an earring tear through the lobe or simply don’t enjoy your gauges anymore, here are the facts about torn earlobe repair. Earlobe Repair is an Outpatient Procedure Earlobe Repair surgery is a simple procedure for a certified …

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Reclaiming your Beauty as a New Mom

New mom admiring post-pregnancy body in mirror

Pregnancy and birth naturally come with a lot of stress: physical and emotional. As your body rapidly changes and your hormone levels go into flux, there’s an increased risk that your self-confidence and mental health could suffer. Unfortunately, these complications don’t vanish after birth. You’re left with a body that is forever changed. For many women, those changes are a thing of beauty, a reminder of the gift they were given. However, recognizing that gift does not require you to be happy with your post-pregnancy body.

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Can men get plastic surgery?

patient in chair doctor drawing dotted lines around eye and cheek

In recent years, the fight for gender quality has surged back into the media spotlight. In the typical, cyclical pattern that has been established over the past two centuries of United States’ history, the disparity caused by gender norms is brought to the forefront of opposition politics, minor to moderate improvements are made, and the …

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Travel for surgery

It has become increasingly common for people to travel from near and far to have plastic surgery. I have recently had to care for three patients who had plastic surgery done internationally, but had to return to the States with some pretty serious complications. So what were the cases? One patient had a breast augmentation …

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Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212