Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift uses fat transfer to improve the size and shape of the buttocks. When done right, you will see a rounder, more attractive shape without the need for artificial implants. Unfortunately, your buttock’s shape often cannot be significantly altered through diet or exercise. So a BBL is a great option for anyone who wants to enhance this part of their body while also enjoying additional body contouring.
When performed by a skilled surgeon, you can see impressive results and minimize any risks for an outcome you will love. At Gabbay Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon has helped numerous patients with fully-tailored Brazilian butt lift procedures to achieve their dream body shape.

Types of Buttock Augmentation

Recent technological advances have provided cosmetic surgeons with effective tools and surgical options to restore lost gluteal volume and create fuller, rounder buttocks. At Gabbay Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gabbay provides three primary variations of buttock augmentation procedures according to each patient’s unique needs. He is proud to offer options that include:
  • Traditional BBL
  • BBL with Lipo 360
  • Mini BBL
After evaluating your current physical health and goals, Dr. Gabbay will help you select the best procedure to fulfill your aesthetic objectives.

Which Type of BBL Is Right for Me?

Dr. Gabbay works closely with each patient, discussing their needs and evaluating their individual situation to match them with the right BBL procedure for them.

Traditional BBL

Patients who have enough body fat will benefit the most from a traditional BBL. Patients who are candidates for this procedure will have sufficient body fat to use for their buttocks augmentation. Accordingly, they will see significant body contouring in the areas where the fat was harvested, resulting in a slimmer physique with an enhanced buttock contour.

BBL with Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is one of Dr. Gabbay’s specialized procedures that provides 360 degree contouring around the lower torso. When used as the method for harvesting fat for a BBL transplant, it can further enhance your procedure results. A BBL with Lipo 360 delivers enhanced contouring of the upper and lower abdominal area, the sides, and the back, allowing for your BBL results to stand out even more.

Mini BBL

One of the main factors for being a candidate for a BBL is having enough body fat to use for the transplant. However, many patients may still want to have this procedure while having a lower amount of body fat. In the past, this would mean needing to resort to artificial implants. But with a mini BBL, Dr. Gabbay can provide even patients with less body fat the opportunity to see impressive buttocks augmentation with their own body material. However, a mini BBL does not produce as drastic results as a traditional BBL or a BBL with Lipo 360. Nonetheless, it can provide a noticeable improvement both to the shape and size of your buttocks while allowing for some body contouring in the process. So even if you have very little body fat, a mini BBL can give you an aesthetic boost.

Contouring Your Buttock Shape

A curvaceous backside can make the waist and thighs look smaller, which brings the torso into more pleasing proportions. For patients trying to achieve this ideal buttock shape, this surgical option may be the answer.
One of the most important variables associated with buttock augmentation is the patient’s initial gluteal shape. No two bodies are alike.
The specific shapes of the buttocks fall into the following categories:
  • A or Heart Shape
  • V Shape
  • Round
  • Square
graphic depicting butt shapes--"heart", "round", "v", "square"
Although preferences vary, some of the most popular characteristics include:
  • A V-shaped crease (sacral triangle) arising from the end of the gluteal crease, with each line of the “V” extending toward the sacral dimples
  • Two mild lateral depressions that correspond to the bony process on the upper part of the femur
  • Two well-defined dimples on each side of the sacral crest that corresponds to the posterior-superior iliac spines (PSIS)

Before & After

BBL surgery results for female patient after the fat injections fully settled. Note the significant increase in buttocks volume without the use of butt implants, resulting in a rounded, lifted shape that curves into the small of the back for an enhanced contour. Around the waist, back, and abdomen, 360 liposuction provided a smooth slimming effect that emphasizes the full roundness of the butt.
BBL surgery results for female patient after the fat injections fully settled. Note the significant increase in buttocks volume without the use of butt implants, resulting in a rounded, lifted shape that curves into the small of the back for an enhanced contour. Around the waist, back, and abdomen, 360 liposuction provided a smooth slimming effect that emphasizes the full roundness of the butt.
BBL surgery results for female patient after the fat injections fully settled. Note the significant increase in buttocks volume without the use of butt implants, resulting in a rounded, lifted shape that curves into the small of the back for an enhanced contour. Around the waist, back, and abdomen, 360 liposuction provided a smooth slimming effect that emphasizes the full roundness of the butt.

Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Right for Me?

If your buttocks do not match your aesthetic goals, then a BBL could be for you. Many patients have naturally less prominent butts and desire surgery to improve their shape. With age, the elasticity of our skin also declines, and the distribution of fat and muscle change. These changes can cause the shape of the buttocks to appear flat or droopy as the year progress. Extreme dieting, exercise, or weight loss can also impact the appearance of our butts, often leaving their shape less perky. These activities may leave us with large amounts of excess skin. But after all that effort to lose weight, you deserve to have a body that you love.
For all of these concerns, a Brazilian butt lift can be the solution! Whether that is a traditional BBL, a BBL with Lipo 360, or a mini BBL, Gabbay Plastic Surgery has a solution for you.

At Gabbay Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gabbay has gained recognition for his phenomenal buttock lift work. He has helped countless patients improve the appearance of their buttocks through augmentation.

Am I a Candidate?

A strong candidate for a butt lift is an adult in good health with proper surgical expectations. Buttock augmentation is best suited for patients who:
  • Have lost significant weight and wish to restore the curves and contour of the buttocks
  • Want to bring their figure into better balance or proportion
  • Would like to enhance the size or shape of their buttocks
  • Want to add lift to a flat buttocks region
  • Desire a trimmer, more athletic posterior
  • Seek to improve the condition of drooping buttocks
If you think a butt lift is for you, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gabbay.


Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

A BBL is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day. But, the procedure does involve anesthesia and sedation, so someone will need to drive you home. While there are variations between a traditional BBL, a mini BBL, and BBL with Lipo 360, they all follow the same general outline for the procedure.
A Brazilian butt lift first involves the removal of the patient’s fat from a donor site through liposuction. So, you also receive the added benefit of body contouring while improving your buttocks, even if you are choosing a mini BBL. The most common fat grafting areas are the:
  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Thighs
The fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks using safe techniques. Dr. Gabbay injects most of the fat into the upper area of the buttocks to create a more lifted and fuller appearance. Using this technique, you can achieve a more natural and even appearance for your buttocks.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Dr. Gabbay will provide a complete list of instructions for your individual recovery. However, every patient will need to spend the first week or two getting as much rest as possible. The more rest you get, the better your results will be. Your total time in recovery will vary depending on your exact procedure. Any swelling and discomfort can be managed with medication. If you have any concerns at any point, do not hesitate to call us.

We are always here for you throughout your recovery period and beyond. To create an environment conducive to the growth of fat, we recommend that you eat a high carb diet for 2-4 weeks. Also, avoid fat-burning exercises for the first two months. To keep direct pressure off of the buttock area, sleep on your back, and avoid wearing tight clothing or undergarments. Use a pillow or folded blanket placed under your thighs when you sit to avoid undue pressure on your buttocks.

Once Dr. Gabbay approves of your recovery, you can gradually return to more physical activities. As the injected fat settles, you can expect an initial minor decrease in volume. However, once the remaining fat settles, your results will last for years to come.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

At Gabbay Plastic Surgery, our Beverly Hills plastic surgeon is committed to providing the absolute highest quality service available. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation!
Take your first step toward achieving your ideal self today. With a Brazilian butt lift, you can reach your aesthetic goals after all your effort. We work closely with every patient to match them with their ideal option, whether that is a traditional BBL, a mini BBL, or a BBL with Lipo 360. We look forward to helping you unlock and enjoy the best version of yourself.
At Gabbay Plastic Surgery, our Beverly Hills plastic surgeon is committed to providing the absolute highest quality service available. Call us today at (310) 205-9500 to schedule your initial consultation!
Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212