Saline Implant Deflation
Saline implants are a reliable way for patients to achieve a larger breast volume via breast augmentation. However, they may not always want the same results, or they may encounter complications that require addressing. Our procedure for saline deflation in Beverly Hills allows patients to address a range of concerns with saline implants, from reducing their volume to entirely removing them. Contact our office today to learn more and start with a one-on-one consultation with premier cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Gabbay.
Table of Contents
What Is Saline Deflation?
Benefits of Saline Deflation
Is Saline Deflation the Right Choice for Me?
What Is the Procedure Like?
The saline deflation procedure is typically done under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. During the procedure, saline from the existing saline breast implant will be drained and replaced with a saline solution or saline-filled bag containing a smaller amount of saline. However, the procedure can vary, depending on if the patient wants to entirely remove their implants or replace them.
Recovering from the Procedure
Saline Deflation Results
Once the saline deflation procedure is complete, patients can enjoy an immediate reduction in saline implant size, though patients will need to wait for swelling to go away before they see the final change in volume. The final results will vary depending on the amount of saline removed and replaced. It is important to keep in mind that saline deflation does not guarantee perfect symmetry as there may be some shifting of the saline breast implant over time, but this should be minimal in most cases.
for a consultation!