Facelift in Beverly Hills
Rejuvenate Your Appearance To Look As Young As You Feel!
Facelifts tighten and reposition underlying facial tissues and muscles. Each facelift Dr. Gabbay performs is customized to meet your individual needs. There are many variations to the facelift procedure in Beverly Hills. The technique Dr. Gabbay chooses depends on your features and aesthetic goals.
Candidates for a facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) seek to improve several visible signs of aging in the face and neck. These signs include:
- Sagging in the middle of the face
- Deep creases below the lower eyelids
- Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds)
- Fat that has become displaced or fallen
- The appearance of “jowls,” and deep creases between the base of the nose and corners of the mouth due to a loss of muscle tone in the lower half of the face
- The appearance of a “double chin” due to loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw
Dr. Gabbay, plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, often performs facelifts with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery.
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Facelift Options
Facelifts have evolved, as advances in technology have enabled plastic surgeons to perfect the details. Fortunately for you, this means far more natural results and shortened recovery times. Facelift procedures of the past focused on simple skin tightening. This often left patients with distorted facial features that appeared “pulled back.” Today’s facelift incorporates more complex, deeper tissue lifting techniques. These techniques result in a natural and well-rested appearance.
Facelift variations performed at Gabbay Plastic Surgery include:
Standard, Conventional, or Traditional Lift
A traditional rhytidectomy involves lifting and tightening the skin around the face. This smooths out folds and removes excess skin. Dr. Gabbay usually places the incision lines along or behind your hairline.
Contemporary Facelift
The contemporary facelift involves manipulating and sculpting the underlying fat and muscle. A contemporary facelift’s goal is to produce a complete and natural result. During this procedure, Dr. Gabbay removes descending facial fat. Also, he restores the fat to a more aesthetically desirable location on top of the cheekbones. This procedure creates far more youthful facial contours.
The world's big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.
SMAS Facelift
The SMAS (Sub Muscular-Aponeurotic System) is responsible for an individual’s facial movements, expressions, and animation. This SMAS or “superficial” facelift technique involves a two-layer lift and manipulating the underlying foundation of the skin. It prevents the creation of an “over-stretched” result.
Specific SMAS techniques include:
Lateral SMASectomy
The skin is resected and tightened over the parotid gland.
Conventional SMASectomy
The skin is lifted vertically as a flap towards the cheekbones.
Extended SMASectomy
The skin flap is extended over a larger area towards the nasolabial fold. This provides a comprehensive correction of the mid-face.
A tissue-sparing technique wherein the SMAS layer is folded in on itself to restore youthful contours in the face with less fullness.
This technique utilizes an incision made directly in front of the ear. It laterally manipulates the skin layers. The upper facial areas and eyes are not affected by the S-Lift procedures. This makes a suitable technique for patients seeking to rejuvenate the lower third of the face (i.e. jawline, jowls, and neck).
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Mini Facelift
These procedures are referred to as ‘mini’ facelift because they are less invasive. They are designed for patients with fewer requirements for facial rejuvenation. Mini facelift relies on a limited facelift incision, conservative skin flap creation, and MACS-lift. A MACS-lift uses of sutures in a loop configuration (purse-string) to lift the deeper tissues. Mini facelifts are less useful for patients with sagging skin in the neck or more severe wrinkles. However, they are ideal for younger patients with good skin elasticity. The mini-facelift addresses the appearance of the cheeks but does not include the neck, as a full facelift would.
Subperiosteal Midface Lift
This technique was designed to lift the sub-orbital area, as well as the midface. It offers the benefit of not leaving any visible scars. Dr. Gabbay performs this lift for cheek elevation when the neck and jowls do not need lifting. He may also make an incision intraorally, like performing a midface implant procedure. This technique is often combined with an endoscopic forehead lift.
The Deep Plane and Bi-Plane Facelift
These techniques are ideal for patients who need lifting and tightening of the neck and cheeks. The incision is the same as the short-flap facelift but extends into the hairline behind the ear. During this deep plane facelift, the SMAS muscle is elevated (separated from the underlying layers) and lifted with the skin. The bi-plane facelift involves an elevation of the SMAS muscle as a separate layer. These facelift procedures are similar to the SMAS lift technique, but also address the nasolabial area. This area includes the grooves that run from the side of the nose to the lips.
Secondary Facelifts
Secondary facelifts are beneficial for patients who are dissatisfied with the results of their original facelift. It is also for those whose original facelift results have been marred by the natural aging process.
Some facelift results can be maximized by the addition of gentle liposuction to remove extra fat from the face and neck. Other results may benefit from fat injections to restore youthful volume to the cheeks.
Are You a Good Candidate for a Facelift in Beverly Hills?
Dr. Gabbay looks forward to discussing how a facelift will benefit you. The goal of facial rejuvenation surgery is to produce a balanced result centered on your facial anatomy. We want to improve, but never change who you are.
Many satisfied patients will attest to Dr. Gabbay’s personable and compassionate manner, as well as to the results achieved. If you would like more information about facelift surgery, please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Gabbay.
Come to your consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This includes past surgeries, present medical conditions, allergies, and medications. Be honest and provide complete information, as many medical conditions affect the risks of surgery.
When Dr. Gabbay feels that you are a healthy candidate, we will move forward. He will explain the different techniques, costs, and potential side effects with you. When choosing Dr. Gabbay, rest assured that you are in the hands of a surgeon who has undergone extensive training.
Details About the Facelift Procedure
Dr. Gabbay and our staff are committed to ensuring that you have a safe and comfortable facelift experience.
A facelift normally takes 2-5 hours to perform and utilizes general anesthesia. Dr. Gabbay will prescribe medications pre- and post-operatively. These will help make you more comfortable, reduce post-operative side effects, and shorten your recovery time.
After making the initial incision, Dr. Gabbay will tighten and lift the facial skin. He will then remove the excess skin and close the incision with a combination of sutures and small clips. Following the surgery, Dr. Gabbay applies a bandage around the side of your head. You will be released to a family member or friend after a few hours of rest in our recovery room. After your procedure, your eyes may feel tight and quite tender when the anesthesia wears off. Most discomfort is managed effectively with pain medication.
Facelift Recovery
After your surgery, some degree of swelling and bruising can be expected. Sleep with your head elevated for the first week and use cold compresses to keep swelling to a minimum. Most swelling will subside within two weeks. Dr. Gabbay will remove all sutures and staples within 5-10 days. You will be instructed to avoid physical activity and to report any undue discomfort. Recovery usually takes 2-3 weeks. Your scars may be concealed with makeup until the healing process is complete.
Although rare, potential facelift complications include infection, hair loss, scarring, bleeding, skin necrosis, pigment changes, sensory nerve injury, motor nerve injury, and contour irregularity.
Call Gabbay Plastic Surgery today at (310) 205-9500 to schedule your consultation!