What Are the Different Types of Thigh Lifts?

A thigh lift is a procedure that can add volume and definition to an individual’s thighs and give people more positivity and confidence surrounding this part of the body. Also known as a thighplasty, this type of procedure has gained in popularity in recent years for its efficacy and the pleasing results it can give. Below, we cover the different types of thigh lifts.

However, many people don’t know that this procedure comes in a variety of different forms. Picking the right kind of thighplasty can give you an edge in terms of helping you achieve the results you want.

What Are the Different Types of Thigh Lifts?

If you’re thinking about undergoing a thighplasty, take a look at this guide that describes some of the different varieties available from a thighplasty surgeon.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to eliminate excess fat and skin surrounding the thighs. It can potentially give a person a completely revamped and improved appearance in this area of the body.

Many individuals are unhappy with the shape of this part of their body and would like to see some improvement in it. That being said, because there are so many different types of thigh lifts available, it can be difficult to discern exactly what type would best fit their situation. However, Doing so can greatly increase the chance that a patient will be satisfied with the overall results of their procedure.

Possible Side Effects of a Thigh Lift

There are some hazards that are possible when undergoing a thighplasty. Understanding these hazards can help you more responsibly undergo this type of procedure. Some of the risks to look out for include:

  • Scarring
  • Skin discoloration
  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • Asymmetry
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Heart and lung complications

An individual’s propensity to incur some of these issues while undergoing treatment has something to do with an individual’s overall health profile. If you have pre-existing health issues, smoke tobacco, or live a sedentary lifestyle, there’s some chance that you might be at a higher risk of experiencing health risks during this procedure.

Inner/Medial Thigh Lift

This type of thigh lift is performed on the inner section of the upper thigh. This type of thigh lift is particularly popular with those who have struggled to eliminate the excess fat on their thighs through traditional methods of diet and exercise.

In addition, this type of thigh lift can help individuals who are looking to remove the excess skin on their thighs that occurs after weight loss. The skin in the upper thighs can become saggy and lose firmness after a significant amount of weight has been lost. This type of change can occur in the skin even due to the natural process of aging.

This type of thigh lift is considered somewhat in the middle in terms of stress on the body and level of recovery time that’s required.

Spiral Thigh Lift

This type of thigh lift is the most recent kind of thigh lift that has been developed. In this type of thigh lift, the entire thigh is treated as the target surgery area. This means that every part of this area of the body can receive an improvement in appearance. This is why this type of procedure is also known as a “total thigh lift” or “complete thigh lift.”

During a spiral thigh lift, long incisions are made along the thights, from the inner groin area to the inner knees. In addition, another incision is made from the groin to the hip bones. The two incisions are able to cover the totality of the thighs and surrounding areas.

The results from this procedure can be very significant, with many other areas of the lower area of the body being able to become impacted. The downside of this procedure is that more surgical work is required, and more areas of the body are impacted.

Because of the more involved nature of this surgery, there’s a chance that this type of procedure may require a longer recovery time than the other types of thigh lifts.

Mini Thigh Lift

This type of thigh lift is used to reduce sagging skin in the upper part of the inner thigh. It affects a much smaller part of the thighs and body than most of the other types of thigh lifts. This type of thigh lift is popular with those who aren’t looking to make large adjustments to the appearance of their thighs, and are rather attempting to make mild adjustments to this part of their body.

This type of procedure can reduce the presence of bumps and dents on the surface of the skin and typically requires a lower level of recovery than the other types of thigh surgeries.

Vertical Thigh Lift

This type of specialized thigh lift is used for individuals who have large amounts of excess skin all the way around their thighs. While inner thigh lifts focus on the upper areas of the thighs, a vertical thigh lift treats the middle and lower sections of the thighs as well. This type of surgery requires a larger area of the body to be treated than thigh lifts that only treat the upper sections of the thighs.

Because of this, it means that this surgery may require a rather longer recovery time than some of the other types of thigh lifts. During this type of procedure, an incision is made at the upper inner thigh, and stretches down to the inner area of the knee. The shape of this incision has lent this procedure the nickname of “crescent lift”.

Overall, this type of procedure is only recommended for those who have very large amounts of excess skin to remove, as the procedure is more involved and serious than many of the other types of thigh lifts.

Outer/Lateral Thigh Lift

This type of thigh lift removes kin and fat from the outer areas of the thighs. This includes weight and excess fat from other areas of the body, including the waist and the buttocks. In this type of thigh lift, an incision is made around the waist. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat from around the thighs and buttocks, and then moved to the areas around the hips.

This adds a contouring effects to this area of the body and leaves a tighter and smoother surface to one’s skin. However, the length of the incision that’s required for this type of procedure can leave a significant amount of scarring. Most patients that are interested in this type of procedure find that the benefits of this procedure far outweigh the danger of scarring.

Posterior Thigh Lift

This is a type of thigh lift that specifically targets areas in the back of the thighs and buttocks. These areas of the body have a tendency to gather large amounts of cellulite, which causes the skin to become dimpled and saggy. This is the ideal procedure for giving a patient a stronger appearance on their backside.

There is some level of variability in terms of the incision that’s used in this procedure. Which exact one is utilized during your procedure will have much to do with the exact shape of your body and the specifics of your situation.

Which Type of Procedure is Right for Me?

You should do some research into the type of thigh lift that is most appropriate for your situation prior to attempting to receive treatment of any kind. Whatever area of your thighs you feel might need the most attention will likely guide your opinion in this regard.

Another element that might guide your choice is your general state of health and the amount of stress that your body is able to take on. This is due to the fact that many of the varieties of thigh lifts involve more intensive amounts of work than some patients are able to handle.

At the end of the day, your physician will overview the elements of your physiology and personal health profile to determine what type of procedure would be most appropriate. This can be determined during a pre-surgical consultation that will be performed prior to any surgical work being performed.

Find a Surgeon That Works for You

Part of the mission to obtain satisfying results from a thigh lift is to find a surgeon that fits your needs and that you feel comfortable with. Part of this includes finding a surgeon that is a trained specialist, who feels comfortable with all of the nuances that accompany the various types of thigh lifts.

As with all types of serious plastic surgery procedures, it remains important to find a professional with a good reputation and who is board-certified. A board-certified plastic surgeon will have the expertise necessary to perform your surgery.

The Best Choice Available for Thighplasty

Gabbay Plastic Surgery is one of the best resources available for patients looking to receive a thigh lift in Beverly Hils. If you’re considerin receiving this life-changing procedure, contact us in order to set up a consultation to see if you qualify for a thigh lift in Beverly Hills.

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Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212