Breast Lift

In the quest for confidence and aesthetic perfection, breast lift surgery has become a transformative solution for women seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. Techniques continue to improve, allowing patients to see refined results that match and exceed their expectations. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gabbay is proud to provide each patient a fully individualized breast lift in Beverly Hills. 

Before & Afters

Breast Lift Before and After Patient 02 Right Side View
Breast Lift Before and After Patient 01 3/4th Right Side View Gabbay Plastic Surgery

What Can A Breast Lift Do?

A breast lift allows patients to improve the position and shape of their breasts using only their own tissues. While you can combine a lift with breast implants, many patients like having the option for a more natural approach. By removing excess skin and tightening the breast’s tissues, it can reshape and improve the breasts’ contours, symmetry, and perkiness. Additionally, a lift can help with areolae that have become enlarged. While it does not alter the volume of the breasts, the overall effect is a more uplifted and firm look to the breasts. In short, a lift helps correct breast ptosis.

The world's big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.
- John Muir

Types Of Breast Lifts

Each breast lift technique exists to address a different situation, taking into account your breasts and the results you want to see. The different types allow patients to better tailor their results for increased overall satisfaction. During your consultation, Dr. Gabbay will work with you to determine the best option for your needs.

The Anchor Lift

Anchor Lift is the traditional technique, gaining its name from the anchor-shaped incision. The anchor lift technique is best suited for patients with more severe breast sagging.

The Lollipop Lift

Lollipop Lift uses a combination of two individual incisions to address moderate breast sagging. The first incision is around the areola, and the other runs vertically down from that incision to the breast crease (making a lollipop shape overall).

The Donut Lift (periareolar lift)

The donut lift, also known as the periareolar lift, limits the incision to around the outside of the areola. While this results in less scarring, it is only suitable for mild to moderate sagging.

The Crescent Lift

Ideal for mild sagging, the crescent lift uses only an incision along the upper half of the areola. Often, this is used when a patient is also having breast augmentation to keep a natural shape and position to the breast. It works with only mild sagging.

What is breast ptosis?

Breast ptosis is synonymous with breast sagging. The severity can range drastically, and it can affect one or both breasts. In many cases, it can lead to uncomfortable symptoms (such as rashes) and challenges for feeling confident in the appearance of the breasts. One of the most frustrating aspects of breast ptosis is that no amount of diet and exercise can change it. Once it occurs, the only certain way to improve the breasts’ position and appearance is through surgery.

What causes breast ptosis?

Sagging and loss of skin elasticity can result from:
  • Significant fluctuations in weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Illness & health conditions
  • Gravity
  • Heredity
  • Aging
Patient 04 Front View Breast Lift Before and After Gabbay Plastic Surgery
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Can You Combine a Breast Lift With Breast Augmentation?

While a breast lift does significantly improve the appearance of the breasts, it does not alter overall breast fullness and volume. Fortunately, combining it with a breast augmentation is possible for most patients. Dr. Gabbay has much experience combining the two procedures into a single operation, adjusting each technique to create balanced results that match what you envision. One advantage of having both procedures at once is you need to go through only a single recovery period.

Types Of Lift with Implant

Some of the surgical techniques utilized during augmentations with a lift include:

Periareolar Breast Lift With Implants

Periareolar option is designed for women who need more volume but only minimal elevation of the nipple and breast. The periareolar lift with implants involves an incision encircling the areola (making it almost invisible) and the removal of a doughnut-shaped piece of skin from around the areola before inserting the implant into the breast through the incision. To reduce the size of the areola, extra skin is removed and the areola is repositioned before the skin is sutured closed. During this procedure, the areola is trimmed and lifted: not removed and sutured back on as in other procedures.

Vertical Lift With Implants

Vertical Lift option is ideal for women suffering from inadequate breast size and mild to moderate breast ptosis. This procedure involves removing excess skin from the bottom of the breast and the insertion of an implant through the lower part of the incision. The deep layer of the tissue is sutured together to shape the breast before the areola is moved into a higher position. This procedure has also been referred to as a “lollipop” lift, because the appearance of the scar around the areola and straight down the center of the breast resembles a lollipop. Normally, a vertical lift with implants does not cause puckering of the skin around the areola, although it does leave the implants high and the bases of the breasts tight and flat. A few weeks after surgery, the implants will drop and the breasts will soften.

Inverted T-Lift with Implants

Inverted T-Lift option is best suited for women with minimal breast volume, and moderate to severe breast ptosis, with excess skin at the base of the breast. During this procedure, much of the lower and central skin is removed before an implant is inserted through a deeper incision at the base of the breast. In addition to skin removal and tightening, the deep layer of tissue is sutured together to shape the breast before the areola is placed into a higher position and the skin is closed around the areola, down the center of the breast, and across the bottom of the fold. The resulting scar is similar to an upside down “T,” and this procedure is the most extensive lift, involving more incisions due to the amount of skin removed.

Are You A Good Candidate For Surgery?

Whether you want a breast lift or a combined breast procedure, the first step is to ensure you are a good candidate. Dr. Gabbay takes the time to fully evaluate each patient, looking to confirm two key factors:

  1. There are no health or lifestyle considerations that would increase the risk of surgery.
  2. Your procedure is the right one to create the results you want to see.

Evaluating these factors involves Dr. Gabbay learning about your situation through an open discussion. During this consultation, you can go over your medical history and describe the results you envision. He then explores suitable options and works with you to create a tailored procedure plan.

Signs a Breast Lift Is Right for You

If you have any of the following concerns about your breasts, then a breast lift may be ideal for you. These include:
  • Loss of firmness
  • Apparent decrease in breast size due to drooping
  • Flattening out of breasts after weight loss
  • Deflated-looking breasts after pregnancy
  • Elongated look to the breasts
  • Hanging (pendulous) breasts
  • Downward-pointing nipples or nipples that fall below breast crease
  • Enlarged or uneven areolas
  • Stretched or loose breast skin
  • Asymemtry to breast shape or position
Additionally, a good candidate will need to match with a few central elements, including:
  • Being in overall good health with no serious medical conditions
  • Having a healthy outlook for surgery and a realistic expectation for what it can accomplish
  • Being ready to openly communicate with their surgeon and express their goals clearly
  • Currently not using tobacco (smoking) or other drugs or substances that could increase surgical risk

About the Procedure

  • Anesthesia: Dr. Gabbay is a specialist in awake procedures, but general anesthesia is also an option. An awake procedure increases the procedure’s safety while still ensuring you feel no pain. The tumescent solution used also reduces bleeding, which allows for more rapid recovery. General anesthesia is available for patients without health contraindications and allows you to be unconscious for the surgery.
  • Duration: The procedure range significantly in complexity, which impacts the duration. On average, breast lift procedures take somewhere from 1 to 4 hours. Highly complex procedures combined with augmentation tend to take the longest. Milder procedures for only a single breast take the shortest.
  • Outpatient: Except for rare cases, Dr. Gabbay performs all breast lift procedures as outpatient surgery. This means that after the surgery, you can return home that same day. However, you will have time to rest before returning home.

Recovery Process

  • Downtime: Most patients will take about 2 weeks off from their daily routine to focus on healing. This initial 2-week period entails staying home from work and avoiding all physical activity.
  • Aftercare: Dr. Gabbay will provide you with a list of instructions to follow while healing. These include things to avoid and steps to take to clean and care for the incision sites. For example, patients may need to wear compression garments to assist with swelling.
  • The Experience: Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are all normal parts of surgery that should gradually fade. Discomfort should fade the quickest, but it can typically be managed well with pain medication. Bruising dissipates next, with it mostly resolved by 2–3 weeks after surgery. Swelling takes the longest, taking about 4–6 weeks for most of it to fade. Minor residual swelling should continue to lessen over the next few months.
    Follow-Up: Dr. Gabbay will see all patients for follow-up visits to check their recovery. Attending these is important for tracking healing and receiving updated instructions if needed. Feel free to ask additional questions and bring up any concerns during your follow-ups.

Seeing Your Results

Breast lift results tend to be highly stable and last for years on end. However, several core factors can influence how long your results stay at their peak. The most important element is weight changes. Pregnancy or changes in body fat can significantly impact the breasts. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Additionally, we recommend that patients have the procedure only once they plan to have no more children (unless they are okay with a second procedure). While the aging process can continue, maintaining good health can allow the lift results to last for 10 to 15 years or beyond. Remember, while your initial results can be seen within weeks, the breast tissues will continue to settle over the next few months. This is due to residual swelling that must fully fade before your final results are fully apparent.

Will a Breast Lift Leave Scars?

Any plastic surgery will result in scarring due to the incisions made. However, the difference is in how visible they are. A skilled technique and strategic placement of incisions can minimize their visibility. Additionally, by naturally following the curve of the body’s structures, an experienced surgeon makes incisions that stand out less even when visible. Lastly, scars tend to soften and decrease in visibility over time. While the incisions may be notable immediately following a breast lift, optimal aftercare can eventually lead to them becoming much milder. Dr. Gabbay also offers nonsurgical procedures that can further lessen scar visibility.

Schedule Your Consultation with Us

Take a step toward claiming a body in which you feel comfortable and looking your best. That first step is simply calling Dr. Gabbay’s office to schedule your consultation for a breast lift in Beverly Hills. Work with a leading board-certified plastic surgeon serving patients from across the country.

Gabbay Plastic Surgery
9454 Wilshire Blvd Suite 710,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212